Community Nursing and
High Intensity Care
Our team has 24/7 registered nurse available. We can assist with complex wound care, stoma care, catheter care, insulin administration, exercises plan, SC injections (as per GP and medication management plan), Vit b12 injections, regular depot injections, pain management as per GP and pain specialist recommendations, and other medication management too.
Our other high intensity care services includes:
Community Nursing Care (24/7 Care)
Continence Assessment, Report & Prescription
Catheter care
Complex Bowel and Bladder support
Complex wound and Pressure Care
Lymphoedema support/Pressure bandaging assistance
Diabetes management
Epilepsy support
Dysphagia support
Medication administration/supervision
Enteral feeding (Nasogastric and PEG)
Tracheostomy care
Respiratory support and advanced airway management
Routine vital sign monitoring
After hospital care

Do you urgently require the services of a nurse?